NYR Organic Recruiting Brochure - page 3

Products You Can Believe
In and
NYR Organic offers fabulous, certified organic beauty
products at a time when more consumers are becoming
aware of the benefits of going organic.
Our products are receiving rave reviews and awards,
including the Sunday Times Style Magazine’s Best Natural
Product and Natural Health Magazine’s Best Organic
Range – both for the second year running.
Did you know… all NYR products are 100%
vegetarian, many are vegan and none are tested
on animals – only willing human volunteers.
“We’re changing the world
with pure products, one blue
bottle at a time.The healthy
choices you’re making for your
family are healthy choices for
the planet, too. You can make
a difference. Join us and share
the passion.”
The Kindersley family
Best British
Share wit hPride
Total US organic sales were
$28.6 billion in 2010* and
continue to grow rapidly.
*Organic Trade Association Industry survey
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